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  • Chair: Elected by the WiE steering committee members to plan and lead the WiE meetings, and to oversee and help organizing all the WiE events. (05/2021-05/2022)


  • Publicist: Elected by the WiE steering committee members to manage social media accounts of WiE and procure WiE-branded items for the events. (05/2020-05/2021)


  • Graduate Steering Committee Member: Chosen by the chair of the Mechanical Engineering department to be one of the two representatives from the department in the Women in Engineering Association.

       (05/2020- 05/2022)


Volunteer: Help to organize the equipment that needs to be sent to locations of day-long programs every week. Travel to different locations where the programs take place, as a volunteer. (09/2019 - Present)

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Mentor: Graduate student mentor of five first-year graduate students providing low-barrier peer-support, informal mentoring, and organize events to promote mental health and wellness among engineering graduate students. (09/2019 - 06/2022)

  • Vice President: Elected by the graduate students of ME department. The main projects worked on were (i) modifying the qualification exam process of the PhD program in the department, (ii) establishing a process for PhD students to earn their MSc along their way to the Doctorate degree. (2020-2021) 


  • Social Coordinator: Elected by the graduate students of ME department to organize educational and social events in the department. (2019-2020)

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